Category Archives: Mobile Application



Client wanted to create a Mobile Application to share and improve surrounding safety and bring awareness, this later launched in Sweden and some other countries but not South East Asia Countries. From start to finish only took our team less than 6 months to complete and delivered to the client. That includes wire frame, develop to user testing.

Building wireframes

Just like an architectural blueprint, constructing a wireframe is an essential steps before you start working with an actual mobile application. It primarily allows you to define the information of your design, get your entire team to the same page and it is useful in determining how the user interacts with the interface.

But before that, everything start with a sketch, and once you have a main strategy or idea of building one, you can pretty much use any tools you prefer to work on the wire-frame.


Here I have constructed a set of wire-frames with the Illustrator.


What you see here are just a tip of the iceberg, it covers every page from homepage down to the nitty-gritty.


Color Studies

While I’m working on next Albaloo application, I started to worked on countless studies on colors, by understanding color concept have helped me to understand more about why most of the social media giant like Facebook, Skype, Twitter chose blue for their branding. It is also able to convey messages to your application without saying a word. Color blindness aside, red button convey a message of something important.

Back to blue, so why blue? It creates calming effect and to some extend they are the color of communication. Blue is everywhere, from your favorite beach, to a bluish sky. No doubt that they are the most popular color in the world.

Set of blues


Trying to find a perfect match for the application is fun and enjoyable.

Albaloo concept

Albaloo is an application that provide easy access to information that shoppers are always dreamed off, where to look for sales. User can easily connect to merchant and will get the latest update.

I took the initiative to proposed a concept for the Albaloo team, tried to make it more lively by changing the thumbnails and played around with the layouts. It is just a small changes but by carefully select images for each thumbnails gives a more unified feel.

Button placement are also one factor to give impression that the application is easy to use, hence more inviting.